Our vision is to become the best local bank providing world class standard of customer service and product innovation. One of BII strategy to aim that vision is by aligning the organization, human resources and culture. This will include establish a high performance, merit based organization; develop best-in class HR to support people development and promote teamwork, align the organization to support the business priorities, and perform our work according to our Code of Ethic and Code of Conducts at all times
ODP-SMEC (Officer Development Program for Small Medium Enterprise & Commercial Banking)
ODP-SMEC is a program that offers accelerated career development. By following a diving 12-month training, you will then be assigned as Assistant Manager at the branches of BII, the Regional Business District, East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
• Min. S1 graduates from all majors
• GPA min. 2.75
• Age maximum 26 years for graduates of S1 and 29 for S2
• employment-oriented targets
• Strong interpersonal skills, communication, and negotiation
Please send your application along with CV, transcripts, and a recent photo, with the ODP-East Java code as the email subject line, at the latest on May 28, 2010 to HC Recruitment and Sourcing of Bank Internasional Indonesia at the following address